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Covid -19: Is the full truth being told?

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As you well know by now that, under the dynamic, impeccable and indefatigable  leadership of Professor Dr Joyce Befu and her deputy Alhajj Jean-Philippe LePoisson, SC (RTD) and the head of our security, Nganga Maigwagwa, PSC (RTD), we have come to have a lot of faith, belief and trust  in our institutions of government.

When the government says our economy is growing by 6 percent or something in the environs, we believe it because we have faith in our government and we trust our leaders. After all, the evidence of that economic boom is everywhere for all to see. Cars are being sold along the streets like cabbages, tomatoes and gondolosi aphrodisiac roots from Lhomweland.  Our enemies do not see such great things because their eyes are closed due to their satanic envy.

When our government says our police service is the best in the world, we believe it because we can see our police officers along the roads of Malawi inspecting vehicles, impounding non-roadworthy motorcyles and punishing, hic etnunc, all reckless and unqualified drivers, and non-helmeted motorcyclists. Our enemies, enemies of the state, enemies of the people, don’t see such great police service because of their devilish eyes.

When our government says, there is enough food in Malawi, we believe it because we eat every day. Our enemies, the terrorists masquerading as democrats, do not want to acknowledge this because they don’t want the world to see our success. Theirs are diabolical eyes.

When our government says HIV and Aids are still around, we heed the warning because we fully trust our government. And our government never lies.  But our enemies want us to believe that HIV and Aids are no longer a catastrophe but we don’t budge.

When our government says the election of 2019 was won fairly and squarely, we believe it because our government is always honest. For, how can a tripartite election be stolen at presidential level only and be intact at local government and parliamentary levels? How do you explain that? However, our incompetent enemies, the enemies of our successful democracy, want the world to believe our election managers are electoral thieves.  Imagine that.

Late last month our government declared a state of disaster and warned us to take very serious care that we should not be infected by the new coronavirus and suffer from the Covid-19. We believed our government and immediately started acting on the prevention measures.

Today nearly every urban dweller is washing hands with soap. Nearly every shopper is sanitizing hands on entry into shopping malls and drinking joints.  For the first time, nearly all our washrooms have soap.

We are not sure what our brethren and sistren in rural areas are doing; but we trust they also trust and listen to our great government.

However, what we don’t believe is the claim that our country is a Covid-19 Island. As we said last week, the fact that people are moving in and out of Malawi unfettered and untested, on foot and bicycles and by cars makes it very likely that this Covid-19 paradise could already be infected.

Without us all Malawians being tested, it is difficult to claim that Malawi has so far been spared. Judging from the way government is panicking, we can conclude that the experts have seen something that the government has not yet told us. Government action on Covid-19 seems to be speaking louder the government mouth.

Soon, we will know the full truth because this time, only, we believe in our enemies’ belief that our mighty government, like the leadership of North Korea,  may not be telling us the full truth about the presence or absence of Covid-19 in this geographic entity we jealously still call Malawi, the warm heart of the world.

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