
Focus on healthy relationships

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Last week, I finished with the following statement : “Will you allow Him to expose AND heal the ‘dis-ease’ in your soul? That is the only path to a healthy relationship. It starts with you!”

Yes, it really starts with you woman of God and this is what I would describe as a ‘flawed heart’ issue!

The Bible is filled with stories of people with flawed hearts, i.e. with ‘dis-ease’ in their souls. People who made mistakes, who told lies, who did not raise their children well. Think about these Old Testament individuals – a patriarch whose cowardice caused his wife to be given for the king’s pleasure; a brother who deceived his father to gain a blessing; a man – groomed to be a leader of the Israelite nation whose hot temper led him to kill an Egyptian in anger. The New Testament stories are just as graphic – a disciple whose bravado gives way to betrayal; followers of Jesus who squabble over being first. Need I mention more examples?

In all the above, you will note that the ‘dis-ease’ in their souls prompted them to act in a way which had a negative trickling effect on their relationship with others. For example, Abraham’s cowardice must have affected his relationship with Sarah. Imagine the man you love giving you away to his adversaries! I am sure it must have made it difficult for Sarah to trust her life with her husband again! It also took Jacob so many years before he could reconcile with his brother Esau.

What am I trying to say here, daughter of the Most High God?

Just as years of cholesterol build up, bad dietary habits, smoking and stress will eventually damage a physical heart, the years of undealt-with issues in one’s heart gradually turns into negative emotions such as anger as surely as cholesterol blocks arteries.

The dangerous part of this is none of this happens overnight. It is progressive – insidiously so. Let’s break it down more next week……..


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