
Focus on healthy relationships

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In the Bible, you will read of so many relationships. Today, I want to look at one example of a healthy relationship, one I consider to be the most beautiful and personal one, that of Jonathan and David. Their deep trust and mutual respect for one another serves as an ideal example of a healthy relationship. Let’s look at some of the aspects of their relationship that made it so special.

In 1 Samuel 18:1, Jonathan gets to know David as the young hero who just defeated the giant Goliath. The scripture says: The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David.

Any two people can be of one spirit because of their faith in God. However, there is a special uniqueness when two people sense that their own personal identities and souls are to be knit together as one. There is a complementary and mutual appreciation between them. The souls of these two men are so united in vision and kinship that they can be knit together as one whereby 1 Samuel 18:1 and 20:17 reads: Jonathan loved David as his own soul.

Here we see Jonathan’s love so committed to David that his own emotions, thoughts and desires had virtually become one with his. I do have some friends through whom I experience this David-and-Jonathan type of relationship. Recently I was with one of them when her daughter interrupted our chat to inform her mother that she’s been offered a scholarship at the university. As I watched and listened, my soul felt united with her in the joy of that moment. Spontaneously we ran up to one another, hugged and began to praise the Lord together! What a beautiful experience it was for me to have the same joy in my soul that she was experiencing in hers! A healthy relationship is one where moments of victory for one can be fully enjoyed by the other – without any feeling of strife! Do you have such relationships? Do you experience them?

Pastor Towera Masiku

Email : towera2009@hotmail.com <mailto:towera2009@hotmail.com>

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