Gears For Careers

Prepare to S.H.I.N.E

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How many positive challenges are you experiencing in your career right now? If none, then you are probably enjoying being in your comfort zone. To be your best, there is a lot you can do to make it happen.


Stop resisting: Many things will block your path as you try to go after bigger goals. Do not spend time resisting, whether these obstacles are negative people or circumstances. Instead, find a different direction to move in; do not stay there trying to figure out why things are happening as they are. Keep your eye on the goal

Honour your aspirations: Do not compare your aspirations with others’.  But, be prepared to stretch and do what it takes. Do not stretch to much or you might overwhelm yourself. Think carefully about what would really propel you forward and make the risk worthwhile and then follow through, create momentum, keep going and remember to celebrate the little achievements along the way.

Inspire your best work: Inspiration is not necessarily something that gives you goose bumps. It’s the belief and confidence that you are smart enough to learn and do what you want to do.  If you keep putting yourself down, you will be creating a self-fulfilling cycle of inertia. Success does not come from what you were born with but from what you are prepared to learn to achieve it. So get learning!

Nurture your soft skills: Technical skills give you a foot in the door, soft skills make you more promotable. So do not focus only on the training courses, but develop on the job your skills in leadership, working with people, being sensitive to those around and develop a reputation for getting things done

Elevate yourself: Do not be afraid to expose what you do not know. You will learn a whole lot that way. Challenge yourself to find a better or different way of doing things. Do not get bogged down in the day-to-day work but think ahead to where you are headed. You are at a stepping stone to higher things.

Now take action: What one thing can you do to SHINE more?

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