
Tackle perception of being unqualified

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Sometimes you can be definitely unqualified, but many times it’s just the perception of others. If you are perceived incapable or unqualified, many opportunities will pass you by. So deal with any such perception. Here are some ideas.

Be proactive in showing your prowess: Always seek to meet whatever criteria necessary for where you want to get to, but don’t want wait to have the qualification in hand before pursuing what you are after. Let your ‘unqualified-ness’ push you to excel and demonstrate that what you bring to the table is good enough as you work towards whatever ‘qualification’ is expected of you.

Don’t believe you have to be ‘readymade’: But you need to know how to get yourself taken seriously to get your foot in the door whilst continuing to build your credentials. In the case of looking for a job, be prepared to address the ‘unqualified’ label. Be aware that when recruiters consider you unqualified, they are often thinking about whether you fit what they need. Use the potential employer’s own words from the job advert to show how your skills and competencies match. Do your homework of the organisation and make sure that your application tackles head on any loopholes that a recruiter might use to consider you not to be the ‘right candidate.’

Make a big deal of any unique attributes: These should be attributes that might make you stand out or be attractive for what is on offer. Don’t be overbearing or pushy in your bid to convince that you’ve got what it takes. Stay composed, focused and persuasive. Learn to reframe your experience so that it’s compelling. Don’t be a flat person. Create a persona worth looking at, listening to and giving opportunity to.

Now take action: Where are you more qualified than you are perceived to be? What will you do to erase this perception? n

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