
The power of praying woman

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I had something totally different planned for this week and had already started working on it when on Wednesday morning I read a friend’s  forwarded message that truly touched my heart.

The message is dedicated to  mothers but I believe all women in general can relate to it because most of them shall become mothers one day and some of them shall have their own families to pray for, watch over and love unconditionally.

It also applies to our beloved menfolk because, through reading it, they will better understand just how the women in their lives; their mothers and their wives, influence how the family turns out.

So, whether you are a mother, just a woman or one of our male followers, please read through this and pass it on to the next person!

A prayerful woman

It never harmed anyone to pray. Mothers, never stop praying for your children. The moment a child is born, a mother is also born. She never existed prior to this.  The woman existed but the mother; never! She is entrusted with an absolutely new role.

Mothers have an unfair advantage with the Lord. In Luke 7, Jesus observed a huge funeral procession in Nain. The entire town was present. He observed the young men and women weeping. He observed the pastors and apostles weeping. He observed the elders weeping. He observed the fathers weeping. He observed the children weeping.

He observed the sadness on people’s faces. Nothing seemed to move Him until He saw the mother. The Bible says He had compassion when He saw her and immediately raised her boy from the dead. (Luke 7 verses 12 to 15). It was the cry of a mother that moved the heart of God.

Still today, mothers who cry before the Lord for their families, for their marriages, for their homes move the heart of God. When mothers stop praying, their families (especially their children) perish. Satan gets a foothold and starts to destroy the home, yet when they return to their rightful place as the anchor of the home, demonic strongholds get demolished.

In Psalms 17, 36, 57, 63 and 91, God’s role is likened to that of a mother. As a mother protects, upholds and defends her children, so does God hide us under the shadow of His wings.

We find refuge there and can hide there until the danger is over. A mother’s role is so vital that a father’s prayers cannot be answered if he dishonours or disrespects her (1 Peter 3 verse 7).

Because of this favour over mothers, they are the most attacked persons in the home. The devil is terrified of mothers (the powerhouse of the home).

Yet the Lord has put inside mothers grace and resilience to overcome any situation. Today, as the woman of the home, consider yourself blessed. Consider yourself highly favoured and consider your prayers as fully loaded weapons of mass destruction against the devil!

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